I recently met with Mrs. McCarthy's 4th and 5th grade GATE classes and showed them 3 cool presentation tools that they could use with an upcoming project due on National Monuments. Student are taking a trip to Washington DC in June and are preparing by studying the National Monuments there. Mrs. McCarthy asked me to show them a few new ways to present their information in an effort to try to incorporate some new technology into the classroom. I chose to introduce these 3 tools based on ease of use for Elementary School Students. Students already have Google Drive access, so Google Presentations was a no brainer. Also, I thought they would really like using Fakebook because it looks just like Facebook but lets you put in all your information easily. Students can then present the product to the class. Lastly I showed students Glogster because it allows lots of creativity with presentation. Although it takes more time overall to play around with the many features it offers, many students thought is was fun to use..!! I will post a few student projects once complete. Check back in the near future!
Glosgter Projects:
Vietnam Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Washington Monument
MLK Jr. Memorial
Check out Mrs. Eddy's Computer Lab blog at the Spencer Borden Elementary School. Mrs. Eddy created the blog using our FRPS Google Apps Blogger. Here she will post questions and activities for students to share technology related ideas, information, and opinions digitally.